*Note: if you were there and would like to share your memories, pictures
or tape please send it
The Neil Young Concert Review of the Moment is from Providence
Rhode Island, April 22, 2011 by
the always delightful ShittyHorse:
Seeing Neil Young play live is always an
extraordinary couple hours- always.
To have
a true music and cultural legend be in the room, doing what he does best-
performing his art for you. A Neil show is always an event, a real musical
experience- never have I gotten the feeling- after 17 shows that it was
simply being 'phoned in'. Knowing the setlist ahead of time, I figured I
knew what to expect going in- but I was completely wrong! The songs are just
the canvas to which Neil lays down the true creation that evening- the
performance. I think we may, as an audience, get too hung up on songs in a
strict sense. We want to hear this song or that song, while missing the
overall feel and vibe of the evening.
believe the key to the whole Twisted Road/Le Noise trip may be the nuance-
the subtleties going on constantly. The lights on the four panels behind
Neil changing colors at specific songs or specific lyrics- such as red when
Neil sings 'what a Killlerr' on Cortez or the 'Earth
Colors' changing and becoming distorted on Rumbling, the album itself
with its small sonic touches of color, also the setlist, the stage setup
and the choosing of instruments, etc. I believe many things are completely
intentional and thought out as has sort of been Neil's trip going back to
Tonight's the Night and Rust Never Sleeps. Small touches, that may have
little or a lot of meaning, that when taken all together make for huge
artistic expression and experience
seen the Twisted Road on its first leg, about four or five shows in
(Wallingford CT) I must say that tonight's show was much more Rockin' and in
your face compared to the first, which in comparison seemed much more dark,
and slightly mysterious- spooky, which was why I originally liked it to the
closest thing to Tonight's the Night. In Wallingford that night, Neil seemed
to be exorcising some real demons. In Providence, Neil seemed much more
confident in this material and delivered it well. The album has been
released, the songs were now aged a bit and road tested with, again, subtle
changes throughout.
enters the stage very nonchalantly, without the entrance songs or darkened
lights, etc. just steps out- which I love. The audience gave him the welcome
he deserves- an eruption of a roaring ovation that went on for a few
minutes. Neil sits and strums the opening riff of Hey Hey, My My- the riff
that first turned my head around and caught my ears when I put on RNS just
by chance because I liked the cover, thus beginning my long road of being a
Neil fan. Tonight's rendition was excellent and moving. Tell Me Why and
Helpless were both very well done. As a huge fan I was looking forward to
the Le Noise material slightly more than the hits and of course Neil doesn't
disappoint. You Never Call, this time around seemed much starker and more
moving than the first time- (this time he included all the lyrics). The
Hitchhiker was PHENOMINAL- he shook that ornate little theater! I love that
bass petal he uses- he steps on that thing and the bass literally blasts you
in the face and shakes your seat- very disorienting, but in a good way. When
Neil just stops cold for one second after 'we had a kid and we split apart'
it's breathtaking.
highlights were Ohio, Down by the River- on which Neil jammed just slightly
more between verses this time out. Leia, I found really poignant perhaps
because I have a 15 month old daughter, were that not the case I think I'd
still like it as the sort of little ditty that Neil has done throughout his
career (Till the Morning Comes, Cripple Creek Ferry). Also an excellent Sign
of Love and I Believe in You (a little less echo or reverb on his voice this
time out I think). Cinnamon Girl was great, but that's the one song he does
I feel doesn't work well solo electric- it just needs that stomp! But then
he came back Walk with Me and he hit it right out of the park- more
feedback, more passion this time- the meaning, it seemed was not lost on
this audience. He left the stage ringing and it was over too quickly.
A great show!
My only
complaint is that the seats in the theater were TIGHT! Possibly worse than
MSG? Really packed in and it got hot in there. Also the greatest hits crowd
are somewhat annoying- but that's the fanatic in me I suppose. Someone was
yelling out some really obscure tunes like 'Pressure'- which was funny. I
bought a beautiful show program filled with excellent photos and drawings
done by Eric Johnson
Bert Jansch was awesome! What a player! Just be quiet and listen- you'll
be amazed at this huge talent!
If you are seeing a show on
this tour, go with an open mind and pay attention! I'm really glad Neil
decided to go out on the Twisted Road again and look forward to the next
thing- whatever it may be.
Thanks Neil.